With 3.2 million people listening daily, radio remains the dominant audio player in Ireland
More people in Ireland are listening to radio than this time last year. The latest Joint National Listenership Results have been released and cover the period October 2019 to September 2020. Radio continues to dominate the audio landscape in Ireland despite increased competition from other platforms.
+ 38,000 listeners year on year, 3,187,000 adults now listen to radio daily.
The message from the Choose Radio group remains focused on the fact that radio’s dominant position in Ireland means it continues to provide a powerful commercial audio offering. Unlike some of its competitors, the group highlights that radio has continued to deliver important messaging promptly, has adapted easily; and at a time when every business owner is cautious about advertising spend, radio remains solid value for money.
People continue to listen to radio for over four hours daily and they’re listening in new ways, with 330,000 now listening on non AM/FM platforms. Evolving radio remains omnipresent.