Covid 19: Visitors to 15d Gilford Road

We want to support the economy – which means working as much as we can – and also protect our team and clients who need to attend the office to do work that cannot otherwise be done at home.

We have made our building as safe as possible in line with both Government and HSE advice and to ensure that people’s health is our number one priority at all stages.

In the interest of keeping both our clients and team safe from Covid-19, we are asking that all visitors adhere to the following rules.

It is our policy to restrict the attendance of clients and visitors until further notice. We will be asking all clients and visitors to only attend if absolutely essential to do so and to only attend for the barest minimum amount of time.

No visitor may be present for more than 60 minutes onsite.

For clients and visitors that need to attend they must:

  • Not enter the building at any time if they have shown symptoms of Covid-19 within the previous 14 days
  • Not enter the building if any close contacts (persons whom they share accommodation with or partners) show symptoms of or become a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19
  • Complete a Self-Declaration form in advance of arrival and complete all sign-in and contact tracing logs as requested.
  • Download the HSE Covid Tracker app and share the information required to allow the app to function fully.
  • Use the hand sanitizer provided
  • Have a temperature test on arrival
  • Have a mask on prior to entering the building, and keep it on for the duration of your time in the building. Masks can be provided by front of house should you forget to bring one with you, however if at all possible, please remember to bring your own.
  • Observe all Hygiene protocols and procedures, including maintaining the current distancing recommendations of 2 metres at all times. Physical contact should be avoided at all times.
  • Minimize contact with people in the building
  • Plan for the minimum number of people needed on site to operate safely and effectively. If multiple persons must attend, numbers to be minimal with short-stay only.
  • Notify us of all attending asap.
  • Take direction and advice as requested.

It is very important that all the protocols within this Policy are fully understood and fully adhered to by all clients and visitors attending our office. These rules apply to all visitors.

Thank you for your cooperation and support with these necessary protocols.  We will continue to keep everything under review over the coming weeks and months and make adjustments in line with the changing situation as we go.

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