Does anyone know what is going on with the Fiscal treaty/Austerity treaty/Stability treaty. Do the government have any communications advice available to them. Certainly they are carrying some major liabilities. Michael Noonan is the bad cop with his budget gun out…Richard Bruton has made a major, major, major gaffe which even John Major would be proud off! (Enough puns) Enda is on the run presumably on the advice that Vincent Browne is too nasty to face, “face to face”.
In what world is this a good media relations tactic. We are predicting a close result but if the vote is lost it will have been lost by the absence of a single minded government strategy. Call us old fashioned but perhaps selling the benefits of a Yes vote to the Irish people would be a good strategy. Just be thankful FG and Labour don’t have an advertising agency otherwise the posters around town might have headlines like this:
Heinz Beans…buy them or we will make you come back to the supermarket again and again until you do!
National Lottery… it could be your only chance before the currency collapses
Cheese…its high in saturated fat and will probably kill you as you wait for 148 hours on a trolley for a grossly overpaid consultant to pronounce you dead!
And finally remember that as far as science is concerned Stability means: the ability of an ecosystem to resist change which puts in mind the old french chestnut (not Sarkozy) “plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose“